set fire to the rain

Saturday, October 29, 2011

i miss our friendship.

to that person,

i miss the old us dear,
take care.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

orang marah sebab orang sayang .

"saya sukaaaaa tidur"

hello semua. disebabkn semalam banyak sangat masalah, hari ni aku bangun lambat. penat menangis sampai tertido and pagi ni dah tak boleh bangun.sebab ape? sebab mata dah bengkak dan perasaan malas yang sangat tinggi dalam diri wahhhh. 
sekarang ni tengah belajar memandu. sepatutnya kena pergi pukul 9 a.m. dah sedar lepas tu tertido balik and takde sape nak kejutkan, sedih betul. sampai la akak tu call suruh datang jugak sbb pagi takde orang belajar kete. aduhhh terpaksa la. masuk-masuk kereta kena tegur sebab lambat. okay la salah aku tapi dulu aku tunggu 1 jam tak tau pulak. sumpah mood mati pagi ni. sampai segambut duduk termenung sekejap kat tempat tunggu belajar motor tu pikir macam-macam sambil tengok macam-macam ragam orang bawak kete. tiba-tiba abg fadhil panggil "oit budak kecik yang kau muncung kat situ buat ape?elehh". gelak je la aku dgn abg fadhil ni. dia paham kot yang aku tak berape okay pagi ni. so dia belanja teh ais for breakfast.
hari ni hari ke-4 aku belajar so semua dah tau. so abg fadhil bagi bwk kete sorang-sorang kat litar. cuaca hari ni okay tak berapa panas macam semalam. aku pun buat la ape yg patut. hari isnin ni da test JPJ da. lepas belajar kat litar belajar kt jalan raya. satu masalah aku, tak reti nk bagi signal awal-awal haha. then abg fadhil suruh bawak kete pergi petronas nak isi minyak. dalam kete dia bising lapar and bosan mkn kt tmpt bljr memandu tu. so dia bwk pergi ape entah nama tempat tu sebab dia nk mkn donut. dalam hati aku "mcm tau je aku teringin nak makan big apple ni haha". dia tunjuk tempat kt situ yang ade rumah cantik-cantik semuanya. yesss rumah impian aku, insyaAllah kalau ade rezeki. then ade tasik cantik sangat. sampai je cari kedai donut and abg fadhil nampak betul-betul lapar haha. tersenyum lebar aku nampak big apple weyhh. that's my favourite okayy. abg fadhil beli 2 boxes yg ada 6 pcs. telan air liur aku tengok semua yang ade tu.

yummy yummy !

yesss the alien is my favourite. setiap kali beli mesti ambil yang ni. btw thank you to abg fadhil sebab belanja anak murid abg yg banyak perangai ni hehe. 

" Let us count our blessings instead of our problems. Problems will always be there, but life will be over one day! "


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

what the hell ?!


1) Girls are inborn moody. When girls are having some bad mood, guys don't compete with her anger.

2) When girls are sulking. Guys be ready to cuddle them, kiss them and be ready to say the secret password "I love you". For sure, things will be okay.

3) Girls loves to hear sweet compliments, because for girls it inceases their self-confidence. Guys, if they have this new look, give them some attention.

4) When girls are too serious on something, guys for sure there's something wrong. If that's the case, guys did something, that girls don't like. So guys be alert. When girls says nothing, it means, there's something. Girls are just too shy to let us know. Guys force them to say something and after they say it. Everything will be back to normal again.

5) Girls are too jealous mankind. Therefore, guys stop flirting with other girls, especially in front of them. Take note, some girls are too quiet if they get jealous, they observe your every action. Guys, if you don't stop, expect world war 3!

6) Girls normally attract to handsome guys, but until their eyes only. Girls might attract to a 1 million guys, but their heart remain to the one they truly love.

7) Girls are very proud about their relationship like guys can't notice. Such as, in (Group text message), Facebook and TUMBLR.

8) Girls don't like short courtship. And girls don't like to ask something like, "When will you be my Girlfriend?", it irritates them. Guys should learn how to wait and be sincere.

9) If girls are sad or silent, they want a hug from guys, because it makes them feel better when guys hold them tight.

10) Girls love guys who have higher respect to girls. Such as, no kiss, if they don't want too. Instead, show them fondness in a nice way. Girls like guys to kiss them on the forehead, because it symbolizes, respect.

11) Girls are easily turn on to a guy who is very protective. Girls likes the feeling of being safe with her man.

12) Girls like guys in action, not in words. That's why most girls prefer guys they can see personally than text or chat.

13) Girls really love guys who shows effort, even without a special day. And girls loves to be treated as Princess.

14) Girls like guys who introduce her to his friends and especially to his family. They feel they are the luckiest woman on earth!

15) Girls are very pretenous, especially if they are badly hurt. When girls left all alone, that's the time they let their feelings out, that's the time they cry a lot. And that's why, girls love sensitive guys.

can u understand huh boyfriend?!

yeah its you.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

thank god i met you.

"A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be."

p/s; post ini adalah tanda terima kasih dan bersyukur kerana mempunyai sahabat seperti Shahrul Nizam.

post kali ni i akan cerita pasal one of my best friend. we met masa sekolah rendah. lama giler kan. masa tu darjah 5 kitorang satu sekolah agama. shahrul duduk dpn i and dia sangat nerd masa tu. so nerdy dgn spect dia and suka nyanyi lagu nur kasih haha bajet suara kau sedap la. kenangan paling x bole lupa bila habis songkok shahrul i conteng dgn kapur. kesian kat u kan haha. tapi shahrul datang sekolah 2 kali seminggu je. dia ckp ade koko kt sekolah kebangsaan. bila shahrul takde tak tau nak kacau sape. then habis darjah 5 i stop sekolah agama sbb da malas. start daripada tu lost contact dgn shahrul. actually mmg takde number phone shahrul pun. ade sekali jumpa dgn dia masa seminar UPSR kat SK Bukit Jalil. tapi tak sempat nak tegur sebab tiba-tiba rasa malu masa tu. tu la last nampak shahrul. 

yes it is unexpected bila jumpa shahrul lepas 3 tahun, means meet up balik masa form 3. masa tu zaman myspace. i ingat lagi kita jumpa kat mcd KL Sentral. masa tu i rambut pendek haha. since that day kita jadi kawan. i jarang jumpa u tapi bila i ada masalah mesti u contact i. plus skrg u da pindah rumah lagi la jarang nk jumpa kan. 
10/10/2011- around 7.30 p.m shahrul call cakap yang dia da ada kt bwh rmh. me like watafakk. okay shahrul ajak makan. so dgn tak mandi cuma tukar baju cpt2 la turun. kesian pulak nnt tunggu lame. wuhuuu shahrul da ade lesen ciss tak tunggu i kan haha. then talked about your girl. finally u da jumpa orang itu haha good good. jaga dia baik-baik okay. okay la ari ni dapat teman u makan. hope to see u again best friend :) 

with love,

Sunday, October 9, 2011

holiday !


what am i going to do?!
1) sleeping
2) eating
3) dreaming
4) complete my license
5) chill out with my buddies
6) try to find a part time job
7) get blackberry bebeh! 

okay guys, this sem pun byk kenangan for me. first time duduk rumah sewa and seronok sangat :) still together with old roommates. even sometimes masing-masing buat hal sendiri tp kita tetap satu rumah. the best part duduk kt rmh sewa bila iera and fatin masak. seriously sedap and segan jgk sbb tak pandai masak kan hehe. then, tahun ni kita dapat puasa sama-sama. seronok sangat sbb bila waktu berbuka kita semua kumpul sama-sama. 

alhamdulillah final dah habis. hope semua da buat yg terbaik. last paper adalah ACC106 and tiba-tiba iera ada kt pilah haha. ye la dia kn sifu account. harap sangat-sangat kali ni boleh pass account. lps habis paper fatin tanya nak ikut tak pergi senawang, rumah esya. of coz la nak!

yeah old picture with esya. now dia study kat uitm jengka,pahang. so lepas zohor me, iera, fatin, tasha, zizi and adik iera gerak dr kuala pilah ke senawang. tak jauh pun dlm 30 minit da sampai. kedatangan kitorang disambut oleh kucing-kucing esya yang sangat la comel. so da smpai tu just sembang-sembang. esya hidangkan kuih donut and yess sedap haha. datang bukan lah untuk makan tapi makna sebagai kawan tu lagi penting. we all love you esya :) hope to see u again.

the end of semester 2.

happy holiday,