set fire to the rain

Thursday, December 29, 2011

hate this feeling.


already a year i learned in kuala pilah. until today still unused to stay away from family. every week must go back KL. i feel depressed when i miss home and miss my mother especially. umi is everything for me. the one who really understand me. when i'm hungry, when i'm not satisfied with my father and  many more. when i was at home, i love to tease my little sister. in 2010 umi had to undergo surgery. that feeling when i saw her at hospital really make me realise how much i love her. i am conscious of my responsibilities to the younger siblings.

yes i am careless person and i hate it. i always forget where i put my things. that is why i did not wear any jewelry such as rings, bracelets etc. dear boyfriend, i'm sorry  i lose the ring. i just don't need all that cause i'm  not like other girls. i also hate myself when i forget my house keys. I apologize for the trouble others to open the door when I come home late.

i am stubborn. i will fight when i dissatisfied. in any situation, they would give importance my sister more than me. please do not make me run away from home again :( btw i love you parents. i am nothing without them.

seriously i'm not that type of person. but situation force me to take revenge. sometimes i really mean,especially in a relationship. that feeling when someone ruined everything. i learned not to expect too much. what goes around comes around. i just want to be appreciated.

actually i hate people who make me stress. please stay away from me when i am mad. i love to be alone for a couple hour when i'm in that feeling. i hate those people who take away my smile on my face. what i want is just to be happy. stress make me wanna do something stupid like shisha or walk alone anywhere. hate that.

please don't stop me from doing something i love. and please stop pushing me to  do something i don't like. nobody can control my life except for my parents. 

i only cried for people i love. when i cry, it means that i am disappointed them or they disappointed me. that's all.

with love,

Monday, November 28, 2011

say hello to semester 3

okayy cuti dah habis, so kena la balik kuala pilah. alhamdulillah result sem 2 tidak mengecewakan. first week kat kuala pilah sangat membosankan. lagi pun mmg tak ready nak start belajar lagi. btw i got my own blackberry wuhhuu :) tu je la malas nk tulis haha

wish me luck,

Saturday, November 12, 2011


yesss saya nak cakap pasal marah. semua orang ada perasaan marah kan. tapi kalau asyik nak marah je melampau la tu. tak perlu cerita pasal orang tapi nak cerita pasal diri sendiri. aku rasa aku tak cepat marah. kalau marah pun aku suka diamkan diri. sebab bila marah kita tak sedar apa yang kita cakap or buat. so aku lebih suka diam and jauhkan diri kejap drpd sape-sape yg aku rasa marah tu or apa-apa perkara yg buat aku marah. tapi yang pasti ade 2 perkara atau masa yang buat aku senang naik angin.

1) waktu bangun tido

okay, aku mmg cpt marah waktu baru bangun tido. tak tau kenapa tapi ni la perangai nama dia. aku akn mengamuk kalau ada orang kejut bangun dgn cara paksa-paksa. haaa yang tu mmg nak mkn maki aku la. then lagi satu perangai, bila dah bangun aku tak boleh terus bangun. oh noooo mmg tak arh kan. aku mesti termenung jap check message or call sbb aku selalu tertido time message. kadang2 ade org call time aku da tido mmg aku akn ckp mengarut la. bukan tu je, aku sng marah kalau bangun tido dpt massage yang bole buat gaduh. hilang mood satu hari nanti.

2) bila lapar

kalau aku lapar mmg aku cpt mrh. ye la org kata kenyang perut senang hati, kalau tak kenyang rasa nak bagi kaki haha. lagi2 bila tunggu orang yang nk bwk pegi makan lambat, ehhh mmg berapi. nnt mati selera gastrik yang datang.

so, kalau marah satu bnda je yang penting iaitu sabar.

perangai saya,
bye :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

i miss our friendship.

to that person,

i miss the old us dear,
take care.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

orang marah sebab orang sayang .

"saya sukaaaaa tidur"

hello semua. disebabkn semalam banyak sangat masalah, hari ni aku bangun lambat. penat menangis sampai tertido and pagi ni dah tak boleh bangun.sebab ape? sebab mata dah bengkak dan perasaan malas yang sangat tinggi dalam diri wahhhh. 
sekarang ni tengah belajar memandu. sepatutnya kena pergi pukul 9 a.m. dah sedar lepas tu tertido balik and takde sape nak kejutkan, sedih betul. sampai la akak tu call suruh datang jugak sbb pagi takde orang belajar kete. aduhhh terpaksa la. masuk-masuk kereta kena tegur sebab lambat. okay la salah aku tapi dulu aku tunggu 1 jam tak tau pulak. sumpah mood mati pagi ni. sampai segambut duduk termenung sekejap kat tempat tunggu belajar motor tu pikir macam-macam sambil tengok macam-macam ragam orang bawak kete. tiba-tiba abg fadhil panggil "oit budak kecik yang kau muncung kat situ buat ape?elehh". gelak je la aku dgn abg fadhil ni. dia paham kot yang aku tak berape okay pagi ni. so dia belanja teh ais for breakfast.
hari ni hari ke-4 aku belajar so semua dah tau. so abg fadhil bagi bwk kete sorang-sorang kat litar. cuaca hari ni okay tak berapa panas macam semalam. aku pun buat la ape yg patut. hari isnin ni da test JPJ da. lepas belajar kat litar belajar kt jalan raya. satu masalah aku, tak reti nk bagi signal awal-awal haha. then abg fadhil suruh bawak kete pergi petronas nak isi minyak. dalam kete dia bising lapar and bosan mkn kt tmpt bljr memandu tu. so dia bwk pergi ape entah nama tempat tu sebab dia nk mkn donut. dalam hati aku "mcm tau je aku teringin nak makan big apple ni haha". dia tunjuk tempat kt situ yang ade rumah cantik-cantik semuanya. yesss rumah impian aku, insyaAllah kalau ade rezeki. then ade tasik cantik sangat. sampai je cari kedai donut and abg fadhil nampak betul-betul lapar haha. tersenyum lebar aku nampak big apple weyhh. that's my favourite okayy. abg fadhil beli 2 boxes yg ada 6 pcs. telan air liur aku tengok semua yang ade tu.

yummy yummy !

yesss the alien is my favourite. setiap kali beli mesti ambil yang ni. btw thank you to abg fadhil sebab belanja anak murid abg yg banyak perangai ni hehe. 

" Let us count our blessings instead of our problems. Problems will always be there, but life will be over one day! "


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

what the hell ?!


1) Girls are inborn moody. When girls are having some bad mood, guys don't compete with her anger.

2) When girls are sulking. Guys be ready to cuddle them, kiss them and be ready to say the secret password "I love you". For sure, things will be okay.

3) Girls loves to hear sweet compliments, because for girls it inceases their self-confidence. Guys, if they have this new look, give them some attention.

4) When girls are too serious on something, guys for sure there's something wrong. If that's the case, guys did something, that girls don't like. So guys be alert. When girls says nothing, it means, there's something. Girls are just too shy to let us know. Guys force them to say something and after they say it. Everything will be back to normal again.

5) Girls are too jealous mankind. Therefore, guys stop flirting with other girls, especially in front of them. Take note, some girls are too quiet if they get jealous, they observe your every action. Guys, if you don't stop, expect world war 3!

6) Girls normally attract to handsome guys, but until their eyes only. Girls might attract to a 1 million guys, but their heart remain to the one they truly love.

7) Girls are very proud about their relationship like guys can't notice. Such as, in (Group text message), Facebook and TUMBLR.

8) Girls don't like short courtship. And girls don't like to ask something like, "When will you be my Girlfriend?", it irritates them. Guys should learn how to wait and be sincere.

9) If girls are sad or silent, they want a hug from guys, because it makes them feel better when guys hold them tight.

10) Girls love guys who have higher respect to girls. Such as, no kiss, if they don't want too. Instead, show them fondness in a nice way. Girls like guys to kiss them on the forehead, because it symbolizes, respect.

11) Girls are easily turn on to a guy who is very protective. Girls likes the feeling of being safe with her man.

12) Girls like guys in action, not in words. That's why most girls prefer guys they can see personally than text or chat.

13) Girls really love guys who shows effort, even without a special day. And girls loves to be treated as Princess.

14) Girls like guys who introduce her to his friends and especially to his family. They feel they are the luckiest woman on earth!

15) Girls are very pretenous, especially if they are badly hurt. When girls left all alone, that's the time they let their feelings out, that's the time they cry a lot. And that's why, girls love sensitive guys.

can u understand huh boyfriend?!

yeah its you.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

thank god i met you.

"A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be."

p/s; post ini adalah tanda terima kasih dan bersyukur kerana mempunyai sahabat seperti Shahrul Nizam.

post kali ni i akan cerita pasal one of my best friend. we met masa sekolah rendah. lama giler kan. masa tu darjah 5 kitorang satu sekolah agama. shahrul duduk dpn i and dia sangat nerd masa tu. so nerdy dgn spect dia and suka nyanyi lagu nur kasih haha bajet suara kau sedap la. kenangan paling x bole lupa bila habis songkok shahrul i conteng dgn kapur. kesian kat u kan haha. tapi shahrul datang sekolah 2 kali seminggu je. dia ckp ade koko kt sekolah kebangsaan. bila shahrul takde tak tau nak kacau sape. then habis darjah 5 i stop sekolah agama sbb da malas. start daripada tu lost contact dgn shahrul. actually mmg takde number phone shahrul pun. ade sekali jumpa dgn dia masa seminar UPSR kat SK Bukit Jalil. tapi tak sempat nak tegur sebab tiba-tiba rasa malu masa tu. tu la last nampak shahrul. 

yes it is unexpected bila jumpa shahrul lepas 3 tahun, means meet up balik masa form 3. masa tu zaman myspace. i ingat lagi kita jumpa kat mcd KL Sentral. masa tu i rambut pendek haha. since that day kita jadi kawan. i jarang jumpa u tapi bila i ada masalah mesti u contact i. plus skrg u da pindah rumah lagi la jarang nk jumpa kan. 
10/10/2011- around 7.30 p.m shahrul call cakap yang dia da ada kt bwh rmh. me like watafakk. okay shahrul ajak makan. so dgn tak mandi cuma tukar baju cpt2 la turun. kesian pulak nnt tunggu lame. wuhuuu shahrul da ade lesen ciss tak tunggu i kan haha. then talked about your girl. finally u da jumpa orang itu haha good good. jaga dia baik-baik okay. okay la ari ni dapat teman u makan. hope to see u again best friend :) 

with love,

Sunday, October 9, 2011

holiday !


what am i going to do?!
1) sleeping
2) eating
3) dreaming
4) complete my license
5) chill out with my buddies
6) try to find a part time job
7) get blackberry bebeh! 

okay guys, this sem pun byk kenangan for me. first time duduk rumah sewa and seronok sangat :) still together with old roommates. even sometimes masing-masing buat hal sendiri tp kita tetap satu rumah. the best part duduk kt rmh sewa bila iera and fatin masak. seriously sedap and segan jgk sbb tak pandai masak kan hehe. then, tahun ni kita dapat puasa sama-sama. seronok sangat sbb bila waktu berbuka kita semua kumpul sama-sama. 

alhamdulillah final dah habis. hope semua da buat yg terbaik. last paper adalah ACC106 and tiba-tiba iera ada kt pilah haha. ye la dia kn sifu account. harap sangat-sangat kali ni boleh pass account. lps habis paper fatin tanya nak ikut tak pergi senawang, rumah esya. of coz la nak!

yeah old picture with esya. now dia study kat uitm jengka,pahang. so lepas zohor me, iera, fatin, tasha, zizi and adik iera gerak dr kuala pilah ke senawang. tak jauh pun dlm 30 minit da sampai. kedatangan kitorang disambut oleh kucing-kucing esya yang sangat la comel. so da smpai tu just sembang-sembang. esya hidangkan kuih donut and yess sedap haha. datang bukan lah untuk makan tapi makna sebagai kawan tu lagi penting. we all love you esya :) hope to see u again.

the end of semester 2.

happy holiday,

Monday, September 26, 2011

everything happened for reason .


okay guys skrg tgh final exam. dah 3 paper jawab so tinggal lagi 2. i'll try my best. macam-macam jadi bila nak dekat final. i wish i can move on.

dear friend, i'm sorry for everything. honestly i didn't mean to hurt you. trust me to be your friend :)


Sunday, September 4, 2011

seminggu berhari raya :)

selamat hari raya
maaf zahir dan batin

can u see that, my big family. this was taken at 1st day of eid. it was a great day where all my relatives have gathered. i don't want to say much but wanna share some picture. have fun babyy

my family

its me and duit raya heee
beloved one

it's time for kuala pilah, bye kuala lumpur.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

mood hari raya wuhuuu !

excited bebeh !

it's time for holiday haha yeayyy :) lagi berapa hari je nak raya. at first tak excited pun nak raya sbb after raya nnt final exam. then bila da blk k.l terasa excited sgt sebab dpt shopping haha. just beli apa yang patut je. 

27 august 2011
wake up at 3 p.m sebab terlajak tido haha. then mandi terus bersiap nk keluar. my boyfriend and amir qhalif fetched me at home at 5 p.m. da lame giler tak lepak dgn amir qhalif. so ari ni dia bwk girlfriend dia utk kenalkan kat saya. she's a nice girl and cantik. kira macam double date la ni kan haha !

syatiera nizam and arif muhammad
amir qhalif and arisha risha
bestfriend ever yeah !

oh lupa bagitau yg kami semua lepak di times square. jalan-jalan di law yatt sekejap sbb muhammad arif tu sibuk sgt nk cari samsung galaxy tab. nak guna time 1st raya la kononnyer. then i try survey harga for blackberry. dalam hati ckp sabar syatiera haha. saya mampu utk beli tapi tak nak la membazir. maybe next month i can have blackberry for myself cause i want it so much.
then, dari law yatt jalan balik masuk times square sebab dah nak masuk waktu berbuka. i want to eat at old town white coffe tapi dah full pulak so pergi teppanyaki and nasib baik ada tempat. 

this is what i ordered together with orange juice
i'm going crazy when i saw HOT & ROLL haha yummy yummy

around 11 p.m after send  arisya back home we decided to go uptown. ingatkan nak pergi uptown danau tapi  dpt information kat sana sesak sangat-sangat so kitorang pergi uptown shah alam. maklum la dah nak raya semua tempat pun ramai org. so sabar je la jalan kat sana dengan panas dia lagi. bila smpai sana i have no idea nak beli apa. lastly beli jeans and beg. i went back home at 3 a.m and i know it's late. dear parents, i'm sorry. they know me well, i think so.
anyway i had a great day with boyfie and bestfriend, thank god :)

shoes from MOD, times square

bag from uptown shah alam

jeans from uptown shah alam
selamat hari raya,

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

ramadhan :)

selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan

sedar tak sedar da seminggu umat islam berpuasa. ini first time puasa kt uitm. so far so good. kt kuala pilah pun ada bazar. cuma bazar kat sini tak best mcm kt KL. ape2 pun KL the best haha. kalau ikutkan hati nak je ulang alik blk KL so dpt berbuka kt rumah. rindu sangat masakan umi. kt sini tak byk kuih yg sedap. nak beli lauk pn tak tau nak beli ape. kalau main beli je nnt membazir pulak kan. so pandai2 la pikir ye syatiera haha. 

jangan ponteng puasa,

Saturday, July 23, 2011

my drug !

yeahh man music is my drug. i need my earphone when i'm bored, angry and depressed. i can do my revision while listening to songs. i can sleep well after listen to my favorite song, also when i wake up i need music. my radio is on 24 hours haha it's quite wasteful right. 
i am different, yeah i think so. i do not like listening to slow songs. but i know many types of musics and songs including malay songs. i am malay girl so jangan hipokrit sangat la kan tak pernah layan lagu melayu errrrr. so during the holidays this week i listened to arctic monkeys' song often. i'm in love with their song actually. the first time i heard arctic monkeys' song when i was form 5. the songs i heard was cigarette smoke. it was pretty cool for me.

what so interesting about them is how they pronounce the words. plus the music was awesome and buat kepala tak berhenti goyang haha. my favorite song is "i bet u look goood on the dancefloor" and "teddy picker". thank you so much to my friends coz we love the same song haha !

arctic monkeys ever  baby,

Thursday, July 21, 2011

arh disaster

okayyy MALUUU :p

20 july 2011, cuti yang sangat bosan di rumah. so plan utk pergi Sunway Piramid. nak bersiap agak lame haha and tibe-tibe teringin nak pakai wedges shoes sbb da lame tak pakai. dgn gembiranyer menjejakkan kaki keluar rumah dan rasa sgt awesome HAHAH. then bila sampai sunway kasut pulak tiba-tiba tercabut. sumpah kelakar rasa nak gelak haha sbb da lame tak pakai bole pulak dia buat hal kt sunway. nasib baik la kawan saya baik hati tolong carikan gam gajah dan gamkan kasut tu. haishh =.='

my favourite shoes :)
ohh disaster :(

okayy masalah kasut da settle, lps tu tak tau nak buat apa kt sunway yg besar tu ?!  so jalan jalan dan jalan tak boleh berhenti. kawan saya dah penat hahah kesian la kau. budget tak banyak so pikir punyer pikir lastly saya beli sepasang kasut dr VINCCI and ade discount 20%. i think it's worth :)

tiring day ,

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

sorry, you are not a good writer

"Life is just a mirror, and what you see out there, you must first see inside of you."

don't u get it ?! 

blogging is fun and i do love blogging. but i'm not a good blogger because i'm still learning. i have blog because i love to write. write about what i feel, what i learn, my experience and of course about myself. BUT, i don't understand why certain people use blog to talk about the evil of others. haish =.='
i read a blog and i know who is the owner. what am i gonna to share here is about the content of that person 's blog. that person got a good personality but i don't know her/him well. before this i'm just noted that person on Facebook and campus. then i noticed that person have a blog. so i read and my first reaction was that he/she was very annoying
maybe that person run out of ideas. everything is about the evil of others around her/him. the big question here, why u have to write about others????? it shows u are too busy with other people's life. so pleasee change buddy :)


Sunday, July 17, 2011

minggu keusahawanan

11 - 14 july 2011


okayy guyss, sekarang cuti 1 week yeayyyy :) then i wanna share about what i had last week. for our marketing assignment, semua bdk business kene berniaga. so my class 2A1 decided utk jual fried fries, wedges and drinks. what can i say here, it was awesome. ramai sgt org yg beli and benda ni seronok sgt. thanx to erwin dulait for make it fun and good job to him. thanx to taufiq for replaced dulait when he's not around. thnx to adok sbb mengorbankan kereta anda untuk semua ini haha. thanx to ana kerana melariskan jualan, i like you bile gado dgn abg part 5 tu yg sibuk jual cekodok dia haha. tak lupe jgk pada semua ahli class 2A1. we did it honey beee :)

always with them :)

classmate :)

with the boss :)

with the driver :)

happy holiday ,

Friday, July 8, 2011

thank you !

hello hello hello :)

i wanna share what i get for my birthday present guysss. niat saya bukan lah utk menunjuk-nunjuk tapi hanya ingin berkongsi okayy... 

a wonderful potrait. credit to syahbandi :)

thank you sayang <3

bag from ZARA. i'm lovin' it :)

thank you so much to muhammad arif  for all that. i know u try your best to make me happy on my special day and i always happy when i'm with u. iloveyouu <3

comel comel comel sangatttttt !

thank you to my friends. i hurt angry bird so much. sumpah tak tipu that yellow angry bird so cute :)

night peeps,